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Role descritptions for MYFC

MYFC Role Descriptions are as we anticipate at the time of writing. We can look to alter to accommodate individual availability. They are the basis of a role and may or may not develop over time

1-2) Chair and Vice Chair:

3-4) Club Secretary (including Charter Standard Co-ordinator) and Vice Secretary:

5-6) Treasurer (including Registration Secretary) and Vice Treasurer:

7) Child Welfare Officer (including Player Rep Co-ordinator):

8) Second Child Welfare Officer:

9) Data Protection Manager: 

10) Pitch Manager: 

11) Equipment Manager: 

12) Trophy Manager:

13) IT, Comms Manager:

14) Website Manager: 

15) Social Media Manager:

16) Sponsor Manager:

17) Fund Raiser:

18) Community Liaison (ideally including PR/Marketing):

19) Press Officer:

20) Referee Manager: 

21) Walking Football Manager: 

22) SEN Football Manager: 

23) Recruitment Manager: 

24) CPD/Football Development Manager: 

25) Team Managers:

26) Coaches / Assistant Coaches / Coaching Helpers:

25) Minute secretary:

26) Social Events Co-ordinator, (inc Christmas, Marlborough Sports Forum & End of Season events):


28) Social Events Co-ordinator:

29) Match Day Kitchen Co-ordinator:

30) Match Day Site Co-ordinator:

31) Club Player Reps (from U18 age group):

32) Player Reps (2 from all other age groups):

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