Welcome to MYFC

Our club ethos is Football For All offering a wide range of football opportunities for players of all ages and abilities. All volunteers, parents and players agree to meet the code of conduct when they join our club. In 2014 we won Wiltshire Councils Sports Club of the Year Award which recognised the work of our volunteers, partners and sponsors who have helped us build an exciting and innovative club that strives to give everyone the best possible football experience.
In 2023 we won the Wiltshire FA Wildcats Centre of Year Award in recognition of the work we have done over many years now to encourage girls to give football a try. We now have over 200 girls playing football at the Club, most of whom started playing through our introductory FA Wildcats programme. We currently have three football sections:
• Mixed Teams - boys and girls
• Angels Teams - girls only
• Walking football - join now!
Partners and Sponsors
Marlborough Youth Football Club would like to direct a big thank you to all our partners and sponsors! As a community club with limited resources we are depending on the support of these local businesses, associations and individuals. By supporting our partners and sponsors, you as a supporter and fan of this club will contribute to the future of our club!
To read more, please visit our Partners and Sponsors page! We are always looking for more partners and sponsors, please contact us for information on how you can support our club!
Referees for League Matches
League appointed referees are not common in the development leagues (so up to and including U11) but then gradually become the norm in the older competitive leagues (so U12 and older). Where the league does not appoint a referee, the home team has to provide one. This…
Guidance on Use of Player Data and Photos
Access to the Club Directory containing player membership details has been grantedto individual team managers only (plus team administrators if the team has one). The Club Directory is secure and so is the best place to store and access yourplayer data. Managers will need to…